My Tradie Site

My Tradie Site

Hux Concrete Co

Feb 26, 2019 | SEO, Web Design & Development

tradie website design

Campaign Highlights

Obtaining top 4 ranking positions for 16 Melbourne based keywords

Obtaining strong local presence in Melbourne suburbs using our propriety software

Obtaining top 10 ranking positions for non-geotargeted keyword

Increasing organic traffic by 66.33%

Hux Concrete Co
Hux Concrete Co SEO campaign

Hux Concrete Co is an exposed aggregate concrete company offering services to all homes & businesses throughout Melbourne. We developed an online identity for the company first with a website & SEO campaign to market the new online profile.

We created Hux Concrete Co a new website which reinforced their strong industry reputation and helped attract new clients.

Hux Concrete Co SEO Campaign Growth

SEO Campaign Growth

Firstly our team completed keyword research for each of the keyword themes in their SEO campaign. After constructing all on-page meta data properties we also used our propriety software to create local presence for keywords like “aggregate concrete SUBURB”, “Exposed Aggregate Concrete Driveway SUBURB” & “Exposed Aggregate SUBURB”.

We were also able to create strong presence with keywords in the top 10 for non-geo-targeted keywords. This allowed the exposed for the business for people searching for the generic product term rather than the suburb or region also included in the search term.

From Jan 1, 2021 to May 16, 2022 we’ve seen a 66.33% increase in organic growth compared to the previous time period (Aug 19,2019 – Dec 31, 2020).

Organic Traffic Increased over 66.33% over time
Hux Concrete Co organic traffic

Keyword Rankings

To date, we were able to see the growth of the top 16 Melbourne keywords with all now ranking in the top 4 positions on page 1.

For keywords like “exposed concrete driveways Melbourne” –  we started off at ranking position 77 and are now ranking 1st organically and 3rd in the Google Map Pack.

“Exposed Aggregate Melbourne” increased from 87th at the bottom to mid-range of page 8 to now ranking 1st organically and 2nd in the Google Map Pack.

Hux Concrete Co Keyword Rankings
Obtaining top 4 positions for 12 Melbourne based keywords:
Hux Concrete Co Keyword Rankings
Obtaining top 7 positions for 6 non-geo targeted keywords:
Hux Concrete Co Non Geo Targeted Keyword
Hux Concrete Co
Hux Concrete Co
Hux Concrete Co
Hux Concrete Co

Let's get to work

My Tradie site is ready to support your trade business.

No matter your industry or size, we have the resources to manage your digital marketing strategy. Let’s tick digital marketing off your to-do list and start bringing you the leads you deserve.

(03) 8402 0250 Enquire Now